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Runoff Election Day May 28th

Early Voting May 20th - 24th

Back when Liberal Alan Schoolcraft was a State Rep in the 80s and 90s, he championed a FAILING LIBERAL record:

❌ Voted for Democrat Speakers  of the House every single time.

❌ Helped Democrats raise the Texas sales tax.

❌ Voted for tax increases 4 times.

❌ Voted for Toll Roads

❌ Doubled state fees, increasing Texans' cost of living.

❌ Lost his top endorsement in his last campaign after he lied about his opponent.

How Liberal is Alan Schoolcraft?


What else makes him too liberal?


He even donated THOUSANDS to a Democrat against a Republican.


Now Liberal Schoolcraft's top contributor is a Pennsylvania TikTok billionaire, along with other contributors who supported Beto O'Rourke!

What's Liberal Schoolcraft's newest plan?

He supports legislation that would give tax-payer dollars to illegal immigrants.

To distract voters from his failed policies, he's using his big outside donors to spread lies about our conservative state Rep. John Kuempel.

Don't let them. Reject Liberal Alan Schoolcraft on May 28th.

Anchor 1

Schoolcraft's Liberal Votes
Official Legislative Record

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